MSN Officially Launches, Comment Spammer Chat

The Search Wars:
MSN makes the official switch announcement and is to spend big.

To appreciate the financial power of MicroSoft you need only look at the various 4th quarter "US Personal Income Soars" news stories which were primarily caused by MicroSoft's $32,000,000,000 dividens.

And while that is a lot of Zeros it certainly is not a Google's worth of them, but Yahoo! apparently is also digging into Google's market share.

The Registrar Wars:
Google is now a registrar

The Blog Comment Wars:

SEO Contest Wars:
Loquine Glupe
I am thinking about running a buy viagra online contest soon. more on that later...

The PPC Wars:

The Oil Wars:
free Exxon Mobile gas

The Echoing Wars:

Published: February 1, 2005 by Aaron Wall in msn


April 15, 2006 - 3:48pm

Actually I don't like anything that MSN does.

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