GoogEdit - New Free Google AdWords Keyword Variation Formatting Tool

What is Goog Edit?
Goog Edit is an extremely useful simple program which makes managing Google AdWords campaigns easier...for free.

What does Goog Edit do?
Taking in a keywords list, it cleans it up for use in Google AdWords campaigns:

  • Removes invalid characters (quotes and brackets, leading, trailing, and doubled spaces).

  • Removes duplicates.
  • Makes all entries lower case.
  • Sorts the list.

From there, it then applies several Google keyword rules to better help you track traffic & conversions:

  • Multiword phrases are duplicated, and quotes are placed around (Google's 'phrase match').

  • All entries are duplicated, and brackets are placed around ('exact match').
  • All entries are also used as entered without quotes or brackets ("broad match").

Goog Edit's Other Useful Features
Additionally this tool is great for doing many other features with AdWords. Added useful features include:

  • Optional Number Stripper: If you copy data from a keyword research tool such as the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool or the Digital Point's Keyword Suggestion Tool you now can easily strip search volumes out of your keyword list.

  • Phrase Remover: Many times stored data has useless charaters of some sort in it. You can easily remove these using the Goog Edit phrase remover.
  • Word List Combiner: You can add identifiers or various word combinations in sequenced lists and use this tool to create a list of all combinations and format it for Google AdWords.

One of my favorite parts about this blog is finding cool new programs and helping programmers make their software even cooler. David is willing to add other features if you can think of any. Download Goog Edit Today

Thanks for making the cool software David :)

Published: September 12, 2004 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


September 15, 2004 - 5:47pm

Not a bad little utility. Thanks for the pointer.

August 25, 2006 - 2:49am

I believe this software is now located at:

Aaron, is this the same product?

October 20, 2006 - 10:04am

It did not show... but I guess, that my page has a similar function... and It's free:

March 23, 2006 - 1:57am

Wow saved me tons of time and let me focus on my business. We can actually see a marked improvement in the click through rate. Thanks!!!

March 23, 2006 - 2:25am

Hi Paul
Glad to hear it worked well for you. You may also want to try Google's keyword research tool, the seo book keyword research tool, and my web based keyword list generator.

July 8, 2006 - 1:04am

i clicked on the link to download this and it took me to another website that says to Welcome to there is nothing else.

July 8, 2006 - 4:11am

Hi Brian
Software comes and goes. This post is almost two years old.

Google has built some great functionality directly into the AdWords interface, and here is a keyword phrase generator / keyword formatting tool if you are still looking for one.

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