SEO Blogs and Search Engine Blogs

This is a list of most of the SEO Blogs and Search Engine Blogs on the internet. If you know of an SEO Blog or Search Engine Blog I am missing from this list, just add it as a comment and I will include it on this list.

Currently my list of SEO Blogs is only in English due to my lack of fluidity (is that a word) in other languages.

  • 10e20 - Chris Winfield 's SEO blog, focusing on SEO, blogging, and social media.

  • About Websearch - has had a couple popular editors in their WebSearch position. Recently it seems as though they have not been putting out as much cool info though.
  • Andy Beal - personal blog of the writer of Marketing Pilgrim.
  • Anthony Parsons - SEO blog from an Aussie.
  • Ask Jeeves Blog - official blog from Ask Jeeves.
  • John Battelle's SearchBlog - a well rounded view of the evolution and impact of search and technology. John Battelle eat sleeps and breathes search.
  • Bazac Blog - Daniel Bazac is a fan of serch who writes his commentary on the subject. He has had a few of his articles syndicated on many websites. A couple of these blogs were found via his list of blogs here.
  • BeSpacific Search Engine Category - covers web search in general. More focused on the technology vice optimization side of it.
  • Tim Bray has a blog which covers many fields including an extremely opinionated view of search. He is one of the people who truely seems to understand the web.
  • Burdon of Truth - Art Saturn has an interesting blog which covers the history and DNA of search.
  • BPWrap - Barry Welford covers current Internet Marketing issues usually from a different perspective.
  • ChrisG - Swell chap from Leeds UK who knows SEO marketing ASP PHP etc.
  • Tim Converse - Tim works at Yahoo!. His blog is cool.
  • Corrupt DMOZ Editor - fun blog about DMOZ corruption.
  • Creative Confusion - Craig Wilson reviews some of the SEO techniques he is currently using as well as other news within the SEO and web development landscape. Craig's blog has a good amount of UK focus.
  • ChriSEO - is not so much a classic blog, as it is a source for random fun articles about the search field. Chris Ridings is one of the most knowledgeable SEO's in the industry, and owner of SearchGuild. He does not update ChriSEO too often, but it is always fun when he does.
  • Clicksharp Marketing - small business interactive marketing blog by Paul Burani.
  • Cr8PC is a usability and search engine marketing blog by Kim of cre8site forums.
  • DGs Desk - weblog covering search, SEO, and marketing.
  • Daily Rundown - Sid Yadav is a web professional who updates his blog more than a couple times a day. His blog includes classical up-to-date info on Search Engines, Internet, Marketing, Companies, His Life and basically anything "techy".
  • David Naylor - blog offering various tips and tricks. DaveN is a rather advanced agressive creative type SEO.
  • Disgust - SEO and webmaster blog.
  • DocuTicker - Gary Price's blog about interesting research, reports, whitepapers and whatnot.
  • Duct Tape Marketing - John Jantsch's blog. Real world small business marketing tips, tactics, and resources from a 20 year marketing pro.
  • Everything Else - Brad Talmir's random stuff blog. He runs many niche directories.
  • Brad Fallon - author of the search engine stomper program.
  • Google's Official Blog - yup, they got one.
  • Google Blogscope - Philipp Lenssen's blog about search and the web.
  • Google Fan - created by Rob of
  • Google Guy Says - old blog which in the past archived posts made by GoogleGuy at WebmasterWorld forums.
  • Hobo SEO - A great blog about SEO. Also check out the interview they did with me about keyword research.
  • Inlogical Bearer - Canadian SEO & search engine blog.
  • Internet Marketing Blog - John Scott's blog about internet marketing, with his own fun and sometimes slightly offensive twists to it.
  • Internet News Gwen Harris writes an opinionated blog discussing search engines and other large internet interests.

  • James Trotta's blog - discusses his personal experiences with SEO.
  • JenSense - blog about Google AdSense and contextual advertising.
  • Jill Whalen Exposed - typically only uses her blog for occassional search engine optimization tests. Jill is a well known "white hat" SEO.
  • Jon Payne - A friend who has been in SEO about as long as me who recently started up his own SEO blog.
  • Key Words - Dan Theis's blog on SitePoint.
  • Marketing Pilgrim - Andy Beal's blog about search, blogging, and public relations.
  • Marketing Wonk - probably the best marketing blog on the web. Collaborative effort.
  • McAnerin's Manic Meanderings - Ian McAnerin's personal blog. He is involved with SMA NA.
  • Alan Meckler - CEO of JupiterMedia.
  • Micro Persuasion - Steve Rubel's blog about blogging, technology, and PR.
  • MSN Search Blog - official blog from MSN Search.
  • Nielson Tech Blog - Christian Nielson is a smaller, independant search engine marketer who believes strongly that search engine optimization provides a far greater ROI than paid search. His words are those of a man looking out for the small guy.
  • Niki Scevak - blog by a JupiterMedia analyst.
  • ODP Weblog - blog maintained by an ODP editor to help other editors (and regular web junkies like me) keep up with the latest happenings with the ODP.
  • Pandia Blog Per and Susanne Koch have ran a long time search engine marketing hotspot. They give their coverage of most of the major search engine news here.
  • Pebody's Cre8tive Flow - collaborative blog from members of the Cre8asite forums.
  • Phil Bradley - blog which covers many of the interesting aspects of online research.
  • PR Weaver - SEO and search engine information weblog.
  • Precommerce Blog - Craig Danuloff's blog on search and the internet. He takes a lengthy gander at some of ironic details and provides commentary which makes you wonder & sometimes explains why they exist.
  • Research Buzz - search blog about every interesting angle of search. Not really an SEO, but a true fan of search. Tara Calishain has co authored multiple books about search engines.
  • Resource Shelf - Gary Price's in depth look at the different faces of information retrieval.
  • Reverse Direct Marketing - David Berkowitz's search engine marketing blog.
  • Rob Frankel - what appears to be a personal rant blog by my favorite branding expert.

  • Robin Good's Sharewood Tidings is a great resource for any type of online researcher. Three thumbs up :)
  • Search Engine Genie Blog - SEO blog by the SEO Genie team.
  • SE Roundtable is a colaborative effort led by Barry Schwartz which has a representitive from most of the major SEO forums.
  • - blog from the company owning the #1 SEO related domain name
  • SEO Radio - blog with weekly radio shows with various SEO experts.
  • InfoThought is Seth Finkelstein's blog covering internet censorship, which is frequently a topic closely related to search engines.
  • SEO2Go is the blog from SearchEngineWriting by SEO veteran Detlev Johnson and copywriter Heather Lloyd-Martin. This blog seems to link to some fairly useful articles.
  • SEO Book - amazing SEO blog which also covers many other aspects of search engines and internet marketing. What a wonderful site. Oh wait, Aaron Wall is me and perhaps this review is a bit biased. ;)
  • SEO Dev - blog by SE Basic.
  • SEO Scoop - Donna Fontenot's SEO Blog. She is a moderator at SEO Chat.
  • SEO Shed - Sebastian (from SEW forums) blog.
  • Sage Rock Sage Lewis provides more of a corporate look at search engines as they apply within the overal internet marketing field.
  • Scoreboard Media - this guy kicks ass.
  • Search Engine Blog - Peter Da Vanzo has to be one of the funniest search engine marketers in the world. He provides extremely witty commentary.
  • Search Engine Genie - SEO and webmaster related weblog.
  • Search Engine Journal is a colaborative effort blog by about a half dozen search engine marketers. It is led by Lauren Baker at Web Advantage.
  • Search Engine Lowdown - KeywordRankings blog on search. Wrote by Garret French and crew.
  • Search Engine News Blog - Kalena Jordan is one of the original search engine blog writers. Her blog checks takes a good look at search daily.
  • Search etc - Eric Edelstein's new blog about search and internet marketing.
  • Search Engine Visiblity Report is edited by Merrick Lozano, who keeps a business like look and feel to his blog. Many of his posts are loger than the average blog. More of a comentary versus short and punchy type of blog.
  • Search Engine Land - Danny Sullivan's new blog about search.
  • Search Engine Watch Blog - Blog on the popular site launched by Danny Sullivan.
  • SearchGuild Blog is a blog kept by Chris Ridings and many other SearchGuild moderators.
  • Serge Thibodeau is the owner of RankforSales. He reports the news as it is, but does not seem to add much flair to it or offer real helpful in depth tips.
  • Smart Keywords Blog - AussieWebmaster's blog.
  • Gary Stein - blog by JupiterMedia analyst.
  • Step Fourth Blog - Jim Hedger offers his daily search engine comentary. His blog does have some original SEO content that goes with its search focus.
  • Strategic Marketing Montreal - Barry Welford's blog.
  • StuntDubl - Todd Malicoat's SEO and internet marketing blog. Has a cool design and Todd is a swell chap. He gave me a cool white hat that I turned beige, but it is still cool to wear 5 - 6 days a week.
  • Text Link Brokers - newer community driven blog from one of the top text link brokers on the market.
  • The Caveman - A friend and business partner blogging about SEO.
  • ThreadWatch - Community driven blog which looks at some of the seedier and more interesting threads in various search related forums and blogs.
  • Top 25 Web - software programming, SEO, and perl coding blog.
  • TopRank Online Marketing Blog - Lee Odden's marketing blog where he points to many of the major search news stories.
  • Traffick - Andrew Goodman is the moderator of the Isearch discussion list. His blog is generally more concerned with pay per click angle, and the major effects of search and portal changes on the web as a whole.
  • Tropical SEO - new blog by a brilliant SEO named Andy Hagans.
  • Tyler Dewitt - newer SEO blog.
  • WebSage is currently a rather plain looking newer blog which tends to cover a couple of the more interesting aspects of how search interacts with society in the big picture.
  • Yahoo! Search Blog - official blog about Yahoo! Search.
  • Jeremy Zawodny is a current Yahoo! employee who occasionally posts a coment or two on Yahoo! Search and web search in general. The main focus of his blog is his own life, Linux, Perl, Open Source...
Published: February 6, 2004 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


June 3, 2006 - 10:06pm

Very interesting and useful list which I've added to my new seo blog's list of resources. Would be happy to have my blog included if you feel it's appropriate.


July 12, 2006 - 2:06pm

Found this page after reading page 148 from the SEO book - fantastic seobook and website.
My developing blog is at

January 30, 2007 - 9:30am

i am Australian and posting seo related blogs all over the world that why my site always having the high ranks amongs another site in Australia .

September 15, 2006 - 12:00pm

i have changed my blog address to

May 18, 2006 - 4:01pm

Here's My Blog: It's a Search Marketing Blog in which I update 2-3 times per week.

December 24, 2006 - 11:15am

Hey, I'm currently putting my blog up arron, and I bought you book. I have a new website I made complete redesign, and offer way better services cause my old site had poor design :(.

I was also wanting to interview you, or might be able to talk to you I Read some of your stories on here about you, but yea I am interviewing jim boykin too :).

but hey aaronn im going to finsih studing your book, and e-mail you, but thank you so much for the blog list :).

July 29, 2007 - 5:17am

I'm Certified SEO Professional. My blog name is . I'll appreciate if you can include it in your list.


Carlos Garcia
July 19, 2007 - 4:10pm

Great List.

It would be great is you start a list in Spanish.

Here you have a SEO BLOG in Spanish


July 14, 2006 - 9:07am

i think these blogs are really useful for new comers or beginners as well as other webmaster to know seo more closely.

Skin care product
July 8, 2007 - 9:57am
I naver ever seen this type blog I am very happy to see this. This is very informative for me . If any one know how can I find more blogs let me know plss.

July 20, 2007 - 1:50pm

This is a great spot.

I am 1 year old to this field and have 1 year exprience in this field. SEO is a great subject to
read. Enjoy it.

January 31, 2007 - 5:53pm

Wow , what a nice list , i would add this link to my blog
MY blog is

April 6, 2007 - 4:54pm

How can you provide the real SEO sources ? - Like SEO tips, SEO strategies ans articles and news on SEO.

There are most of the websites, blogs providing information on SEO. I would like to say thanks to this SEObook site.

Thanks a Lot!

Ashish Kumar
May 26, 2007 - 10:06pm

I heard the world SEO 2 months before, i surfed internet and did a lot of research on it. After getting sufficient knowledge, i thought to share it through a blog site.
Please check the site from the below ink:-

why don't you try it and post some comment.
I would be happy to get your feedback.


May 22, 2006 - 3:18pm

Excellent resource list, please add my SEO focused blog located at

November 22, 2006 - 7:56am

I visited a very interesting site, they have a vast collection of books which have been categories and are presented to viewers in an easy-to-search format. You should check it out.

Angelina Julie
May 28, 2007 - 9:33pm

I am glad to post my views and points in this blog, but I must say that webmaster of this blog has done a very great job to make his blog more informative and more discussable but unfortunately everthing is same here that more than 80% in this and other blogs post their comments for making spam!!!, so i will really all this spam links to google band tool, because webmaster makes blogs for making discuss and for sloving each other problems. thanks

April 14, 2005 - 11:26pm

Also check our blog at . This is a Online Marketing Blog and we update this w. 3 to 4 post daily.

July 18, 2006 - 9:29am

Andy Beal - personal blog of the writer of Marketing Pilgrim.
Anthony Parsons - SEO blog from an Aussie.
these blogs are fade off change them.THEIR link are not working please add mine blog if you can
it is

July 18, 2006 - 9:29am

Andy Beal - personal blog of the writer of Marketing Pilgrim.
Anthony Parsons - SEO blog from an Aussie.
these blogs are fade off change them.THEIR link are not working please add mine blog if you can
it is

March 21, 2007 - 2:35am

Nice set of blogs Aaron! Keep up the good work pal.


* Google (14)
* Internet Marketing (11)
*Search Engine Marketing (SEM) (1)
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (9)
* Tools (185)

July 18, 2006 - 9:31am

i am not spamming your blog but it was working v.slow so ..

August 22, 2007 - 4:35pm

This is a very useful list of many SEO blogs. It will take me quite some time to go through all of them. Thanks for the post!

April 18, 2005 - 6:25pm

Check out my professional blog. The focus is on eMarketing news and strategies and new content is posted daily relating to SEO, PPC, direct email, promotions, eCommerce, and more.

August 3, 2006 - 4:36am

Hey - what about me?

May 18, 2007 - 1:28pm

This is goood blogging site,,,,,

January 14, 2007 - 1:08pm

Thanks Arron for the add :). Feels great to be on your website.

July 23, 2007 - 1:04pm

last Night i found this blog its very infomative for me. but this information is not kenough for me kindly tell mer how can i found this
type blogs

penis pills,
May 30, 2007 - 8:36pm

We have helped literally thousands of men successfully enlarge their penis and increase their performance our pills are thoroughly tested and naturaly enlarge your penis.

August 30, 2007 - 11:03am

Blogs are becoming one of the most important source in order to share views and outlooks what you have done to make yout thing outrageously successful. I like the concept has been given there.

February 27, 2007 - 7:45pm

Great page, thanks for the resource. Here's another:

KISS SEO & Web Design --

October 27, 2006 - 3:18pm

I'm italian, and i've traslated my blog in english..i'd like to had it to your list:

October 28, 2005 - 10:42pm

I maintain various websites in many different marketing environments. I am responsible for the search engine optimization for companies such as BankCard Central, Von Dutch Kustom Cycles, Optimize Us, and many others.

Hydrofoil Water...
July 24, 2007 - 11:38pm

SEO Blogs discuss the basics of SEO to advance, giving away all the useful information for a beginner to fully enhance their capabilities, I too was once a beginner in SEO or Search Engine Optimization and with the use of the some of the websites listed above and especially SEO Book by Aaron Wall, they help me further understand the Search Engines and how a certain website ranks well from other websites and not just by luck but by SEO

August 4, 2006 - 9:44pm

This is a great list, thanks so much for posting it. I am always looking for others who have blogs on SEO. I would like to submit my blog for consideration. It has the unique aspect of taking legal issues about the internet and search companies and putting an SEO spin on it. The Blog address is:

penis enlargement
June 11, 2007 - 10:28am

Nice blog and I liked the comments tooo... Little bit spam but its ok. Keep up your good work

penis enlargement
June 11, 2007 - 10:28am

Nice blog and I liked the comments tooo... Little bit spam but its ok. Keep up your good work

August 3, 2007 - 11:28pm


please add to the list

October 11, 2006 - 3:42am

I'd like to add this site the great list you have included:

Early days but I obviously feel its worth checking out ;-)

August 24, 2007 - 9:04am

Very useful list and it will certainly give an edge in the competitive market.

Have a look on our website

December 5, 2005 - 2:13am

Hi Aaron,

Please consider adding our Internet marketing blog to the list. It's frequently updated, and i'd like to think that it's a valuable resource:)

All the best.

July 24, 2005 - 11:19pm

Here's a link to a search marketing blog for your list:

How can I reciprocate? Would you be willing to post guest authored entries?

Thanks, Gregg.

June 21, 2007 - 4:46pm

Hi all,

I'm a fellow SEO-er, and Ive normally took a 'stealth radar watch' approach to SEO blogs, well as I'm sure you've guessed, Ive decided to expose myself on the SEO radar and plant myself in the growing SEO blog field with my Organic SEO Blog:

Sorry for the lame puns and metaphors, please help my blog grow (doh there I go again) and help me on my continual quirky voyage through SEO.

Aaron you're a true inspiration, and are planted firmly at the top of my blogroll. Keep up the top work!

Best wishes,

September 5, 2006 - 11:44am

A Guide To Successful Pay Per Click Marketing

Pay per click, as the term itself suggests, is a form of advertising that makes use of keywords for popularizing your business on the web. To make a success of your pay per click marketing you need to find the keywords that will best describe about your business. Pay per click marketing is used these days on a large scale, as this is the best way to reach out to online visitors. A study found out that more than seventy five percent of online visitors could be reached through pay per click marketing.

Yes, pay per click marketing is the best source to attract the attention of online visitors, but you must also realize that you need to know all you can before you actually start the process for your business. Nothing can be more frustrating then being caught in a situation where you are not aware of what you are doing and what is happening to your business. So make sure that you know in detail all the nitty gritty about pay per click marketing before using pay per click marketing for your business.

Finding out and identifying the proper keywords is the first task for undertaking pay per click marketing. What you need to do is find out what words will be used by online visitors for searching information or the products that are being sold through your business. There are various tools that can be used for finding out the correct and appropriate keywords for any particular business. Overture, word tracker and digital point are some of the tools that are capable of finding out appropriate keyword for any site in the web.

Sit and plan out carefully what amount of money you are willing to spend on your pay per click marketing campaign. For pay per click marketing, you will have to bid a certain sum of money on keywords that describe your business. Those particular keywords will be used for advertising your goods in major search engines. Whenever a visitor clicks on your site a pre determined amount will be reduced from your bid amount. It is inevitable that you will get many visitors who will click on your site just because your site happens to be listed at the top of sponsored finds in search engines. This cannot be avoided.

There is very little time to grab the attention of visitors. What you can do to grab visitor attention is to making very compelling landing pages. It is very possible that people will not buy goods from you for the first time they visit, but design the page in such a way that at least the visitor leaves behind his email address so that you can contact them in future and tell them about your products. Your landing page must appeal emotionally to the visitor. If you manage to gather the email address you can create a strong database and send out emails through auto responder.

Competition is something that is inevitable and you cannot avoid this in any field. So any marketing strategy including your pay per click marketing strategy must be made and implemented in such a way that you always stay miles ahead of them. Being successful in business is all about beating the competition and no matter how tough the competition, you will have to beat this at all cost.

Steve Waganer is an SEO specialist who works for Comet Search Engine Marketing. Steve knows what needs to be done to take your site to the top. To know more about provides Search Engine Marketing, pay per click, affiliate marketing to help online business earn profit visit

July 29, 2005 - 7:50am - SEO, SEM, with a twist of Canadian

Ryan Clark
July 4, 2007 - 5:05am - A great blog looking at actual trends on the rise which also talks about ways to profit before the niche is overrun.

October 2, 2006 - 9:34pm

Here is my blog! I have been in development with it trying to customize it as much as I could. I tried out some new CSS tricks I learned. Check it out and I would love for some feedback!

August 11, 2007 - 2:52am

Hello Aaron,

Excellent blog and amazing book!

If you could, please add my blog to the list.

I focus on Search Engines, SEO, and Internet Business.


September 21, 2007 - 5:28pm

first i like to say nice blog list.
i like to let anyone know about my new blog at .
i think i offer lots of inside information that you can find anywhere.

June 20, 2008 - 5:44am

A comprehensive step-by-step guide for those who wants to learn SEO. I have made this blog for those who are passionate to learn SEO. Check it up.

George Cleanthous
September 1, 2008 - 8:44am

This page is doing surprising well in page rank considering it is entirely based on link exchange. That is very difficult to pull off but I would expect that from SEObook. We have been able to do this ourselves but I can confirm that it is a long process so keep up the good work.


October 10, 2008 - 9:05am

informative and very use full list.

October 20, 2008 - 7:03pm
October 20, 2008 - 6:57pm

I dont have any seo blog so that I can include in this list. All the blogs in this list are unique and very good for seo. I found another one seo blog, which i enjoyed reading . You can include this one also.


November 13, 2008 - 2:41pm

We have just launched the Zeta Blog - it features a monthly interview or feature on the latest online trends and technologies. We’ve already got an interview lined up with Google UK’s Communications & Public Affairs Manager to discuss Chrome, the new web browser from Google.

November 29, 2008 - 6:00am

Nice, long list.
One of my fav. blogs missing here is (Microsoft Researcher) Greg Linden's Geeking with Greg blog:

He mostly blogs about the academic side of search. You can view this post as an example:

I guess this would be a nice addition to this page.

November 29, 2008 - 7:50pm

Yeah...Greg's blog is interesting. :)

December 18, 2008 - 11:06am

I did not find this blog in your list. I found it informative.
check it out.


April 29, 2009 - 12:11pm

Nice resource very useful...

I also have a blog:

April 30, 2009 - 8:32am

Great list Aaron. For those interested there is a new SEO blog in Australia for Bruce Clay -

June 23, 2009 - 3:16am

Hi Aaron, I am from Australia I do seo for some local companies . Thank you for your blog it provides with an overwhelming amount of help. I have blog as well -

July 30, 2009 - 8:40pm

Hey Aaron,

Great list. I noticed though that isn't on the list.

January 19, 2011 - 12:17pm

We would like to suggest you to please view this blog And add it to your list.

Thanks Rod

February 2, 2011 - 11:55am

Just as a recommendation - - my personal resource :>

July 5, 2011 - 5:16pm

Some fantastic websites up here! We'd like to throw in a recommendation:

November 19, 2011 - 12:16pm

Thanks Aaron if today i am working as a SEO Executive so it is because of you you have guided me to become a SEO via your eBook that i call a complete guide to seo and today i not just dofollow that book i send it to others as well to read it if they are Curious about learning SEO! =)

I would be thankful to you if you will add my blog too it will be a honor actually for me =)

January 21, 2012 - 7:43pm


Really useful information here. So much to learn and so little time to learn it in. Trying to do a basic website and book as a primer for small business owners here SEO Guide.
Seggy T Segaran

January 24, 2012 - 1:43am

Came across this article while browsing on Google, even made an account just to post here and thank you for the resources. I am glad to see that so many of those blogs are still alive and active, even though the article is from 2005. I bookmarked several of them and will check them on a regular basis. So a big thank you for sharing these!


January 29, 2012 - 2:25am

Hello, I found this listing and was excited to visit several of them. The only problem is that some of the links are no longer active. However, I did find several that were still online and going strong. Thank you for the listing!

Amy Haynes

April 20, 2012 - 8:30am

Really Useful Artice..!!

August 29, 2012 - 10:47pm

This is an extensive and very thorough list, albeit a bit out of date.

One blog in particular that is not mentioned.

Keep up the good work!

June 27, 2013 - 11:58am

Hi ! It is Tremendous List but now two or three Blogs are not workingking.

April 9, 2014 - 5:51am

Just came across this list for the first time and what a time warp to see all of this stuff that was popular back in the day.

Going to have a look through and see if I can't find some pearls of wisdom to make into a blog post.



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