Top Search Keywords List

So many people ask what the top search keywords are. Generally this is an unimportant topic. What is important is the top keywords in the subject you know or are interested in. Looking at the general terms means you must compete with the entire web. Thinking of your specific segment (and those who compete with it) makes it easier to determine which keywords are important to you.

Here are some of the top keywords lists though just for the heck of it...

Yahoo Buzz index (also in UK version)
Lycos 50
Google Zeitgiest
Ask Jeeves

and of course the traditional Keyword tools
Overture Search Term Suggestion (also in UK verion)

and Hitwise offers a monthly search term report

many of these were found in a thread at Highrankings Forum

Published: January 18, 2004 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


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