Hate is Great

Brian Clark posted an entry about how a common enemy strategy can help propel your marketing and further establish a bond between reader and writer.

Effective marketing in a low-trust world means developing a bond with your prospects through your writing. One great way to do this is to share a perceived common enemy with your readers.

We are all flawed. If people feel an emotional bond to your words they will trust you and buy from you much easier than if you are selling without any personality. Even if you are not actively selling anything, having mindshare and distribution is important for when you finally decide to sell something. Everyone is selling...their products and services, ad space, their view of the world, their self-esteem, their need for connection, etc etc etc.

One of the most effective hate marketing campaigns I have ever seen is John T. Reed's anti-guru reviews.

Published: April 25, 2007 by Aaron Wall in marketing


April 25, 2007 - 10:59am

Master link baiter Matt Cutts "hating" on SEOs with the paidlink bomb got him over 4K links.

April 25, 2007 - 11:15am

Actually, instead of the "common enemy" strategy that was more of "let's make my readers the enemy" strategy :-)

April 25, 2007 - 1:50pm

For every commenter that agrees with the hater, there will be at least 3 that don't. 4 comments beats 1 any day!

April 25, 2007 - 3:46pm

I guess you just have to pick someone that a lot of people hate and hope that the people who dont are not the ones with the $$$$

April 25, 2007 - 5:02pm

I think its important to have haterz because they sometimes tend to visit your blog more then some readers! Because they always want to know about you and always want to know what d f** you are doing :).

For example who doesn't hate PEREZ ? i mean his pinky website and couple of photo that he scans from news papers brought him to a so called " celebrities" but people tend to hate him and they still visit him every single day lol.

April 25, 2007 - 6:03pm

'One of the most effective hate marketing campaigns I have ever seen is John T. Reed's anti-guru reviews.'

- One of the most effective blog posts I have ever seen is Aaron M. Wall's anti-wankers post

LOL just kidding

April 26, 2007 - 1:08am

I do think that wanker hating is something most everyone here can bond over :-)

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