Large Site Retail Competitive Research: Letting and Work for You

Selling your stuff on either of those networks might be a good way to leverage their domain related trust to rank in the search results, but you can also use both of them to research what is worth selling or writing about, even if you do not sell on their networks. Since their research data is conversion oriented, in many verticals it is worth more than keywords from other sources. eBay offers a Marketplace research service that costs $2 to $25 a month.

Amazon shows which products are the best for last year, current top selling products, movers and shakers, and hot new releases.

In addition to giving away this free conversion information, Amazon lets you see what customers think of the product via review, allows you to bid on keywords related to products via ClickRiver. If you sell your stuff on, you can buy a better together listing with a popular product.

If you are in the info-product market Clickbank's Marketplace is a goldmine.

Once you find interesting products you can refine your keyword research using general keyword tools, then further refine that data by using a tool like KeyCompete to see what keywords competitors are bidding on.

Published: April 2, 2007 by Aaron Wall in marketing


April 2, 2007 - 8:16am

Reminds me of the information in the mini e-book 'killer mini sites' that comes with your SEOBook:

'Look for the best selling products on Amazon & Barnes and Noble - and just imitate success' (or something along those lines)

April 2, 2007 - 8:59am

Thanks for sharing this.I wasn't aware of these tops, and for sure you can extract a lot of useful information for a lot of projects from here, because is a free way to see on what kind of products people want to spend their money.

April 2, 2007 - 9:54am

Thanks from me too. I've been thinking about branching out and selling something online other than ad space. Maybe this will generate some ideas.

April 2, 2007 - 6:41pm

Your seobook is super I love it, i recommend it to everywebsite builder. I also sell indoor gardening lights

April 3, 2007 - 7:49am

As a long time eBay powerseller, I relied on and think andale's research service is terrific too.

April 3, 2007 - 8:38pm

Interesting and true, I am a powerseller on eBay. Been selling there since 98, although I dont give much time to it nowadays.

If you own an eBay store, you are provided with search logs similar to awstats.

This log provides you with a keyword report used to find the items in your store and your auctions in one place.

We used this to determine our most popular items, and the items people were seeking that we did not have.

Actually launched an off eBay store using the most popular items as anchor products.

Worked like a charm and those are still the most commonly sold products in the off eBay store.

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