SEO Tips to Live By

Where is SEO headed?

Bob Massa on personalized search:

I'm also going to suggest that the NEW SEO,(assuming of course there was any such thing as SEO in the first place),has little to do with building ANY site to measure up to any yardstick that bears a mark for "best" and instead has more to do with identifying and immersing oneself into communities, to a lesser or greater degree, that have some connection with the individuals that make up the community than in striving for that subjective, if not entirely elusive "best" website.

I believe, as I have for a long time now, that technology as it relates to an advertising delivery system,(commonly mistaken for a search engine), has been pursuing the old cliche' that birds of a feather flock together and I also personally believe they are closer to right with that philosophy than with counting the number of links. It would appear that cataloging where birds flock is a much more difficult algorithm than counting links and the number of times and the proximity to the top of a page the keywords are found.

Published: May 15, 2006 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


May 20, 2006 - 8:32pm

Hello Aaron,

Great website! Love your free SEO tools they are the best on the web, especially your "Keyword Research Tool" and Competition Finder!

Question. Does the order of the keywords matter to Google rankings?

I'm trying to decide between two keywords to:

sexy plus size woman clothes
clothing woman sexy plus size

"sexy plus size woman clothes" has more competition, and easier sounding.

Now "clothing woman sexy plus size" is no competition, but the order words makes it hard to use in the content.

If I use "clothing woman sexy plus size", could re-order the words to "sexy plus size woman clothing" and still get the Google rankings for "clothing woman sexy plus size"?


JP Richards

May 16, 2006 - 8:42am

While I don't necessarily agree with everything Bob says in the link (I do believe there is such a thing as spam and it often likes to form it's own communities in my many inboxes) I do agree about not seeking the 'best' as a goal. Or at least not claiming anything we create as the best. I certainly try my best whenever I can, but I see all websites as living breathing sort of things that can and should be improved all the time. Maybe it's ok to seek that 'best' as long as you're willing to accept that there's no way you can ever claim to be the best.

the thought about commnites and where birds flock as opposed to how many there are is also an interesting concept. I'm not sure what it mean for search engines, but in the end it's traffic we want and if I can place a few links on sites where the visitors of that site are actually interested in what I have to offer I'll glady give up some non converting search traffic.

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