Profiting From Publishing

Great interview of Tim O'Reilly

I think that we'll find in some ways that this is the real secret of the relationship between free and non-free content. There will be so much free content that it's going to be hard to find and those who can help you find what you want will be able to charge for it - in one way or the other, whether it's through advertising or through subscription or something else. It's about managing to find "the best", and "the best" is a kind of metadata.

I still think there are many overlooked creative ways to add value to the publishing value chain. More on that in about a month ;)

Published: April 26, 2006 by Aaron Wall in publishing & media


April 26, 2006 - 12:33pm

I've seen one blog charge for "pointers". It charges a small fee for a piece of information that links to valuable resources. It's tells you where to find "something very valuable". The puiblisher gets paid for showing people what's best :P

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