Passion and Pornography

Many markets are said to be hyper competitive and beyond competitive reach for most people. Amongst this group are porn, pills, and casino sites. But most websites are garbage, and lack passion.

I am not advocating this idea for everyone, but...

Imagine a blogger who created the ultimate fan blog for one porn star. Reviewed all of their work. Eventually the porn star finds the blog and likes the blog owner so much that they want to have sex with the blogger as a thank you. The blogger, being a savvy business person, decides that they should shoot a video and sell it directly and exclusively on that blog.

Ultra targeted readers and an easy marketing story to spread. What more do you need?

Now I know that idea sound ridiculous to most people, but that is exactly why it would work so well if it was done well.

In a recent post I mentioned a couple Viagra humor examples and there are many ideas that would work equally well in the gambling vertical. All competitive markets are less competitive if you think of them in terms of how people share ideas and information.

What about a more mainstream vertical that is hyper competitive? How big of a competitive advantage would it be for an online flower shop to buy and integrate a design color tool like this one into their site? Something that no other site has.

Sell water purification equipment? Talk about how many people are going to be without clean water shortly as the population grows. Source other important documents, create an authoritative topical document and channel. Teach people how to solve the problem even if they do not buy your equipment.

In any and every vertical there are ton of easy marketing opportunities. How does your product, service or idea relate to people? How can you invoke an emotional response or get them to want to share it?

If you get to where you are evangelizing your industry instead of just selling stuff it is going to be hard to fail.

Published: April 24, 2006 by Aaron Wall in marketing


April 25, 2006 - 6:48am

Eventually the porn star finds the blog and likes the blog owner so much that they want to have sex with the blogger as a thank you.

That's F*#kin Hillarious!!

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