Every Site is a Wiki

If you think of other sites as wiki's it is easier to get links. You just have to think of how you can become an editor for them.

  • Even whining gets attention (so long as it has outbound links in it).

  • http://www.federalbudget.com/ - linking opportunity in the page footer? How many people are willing to trade authoritative links to help spread their message?
  • Did you know that Mathworld could use help on their Markov Chains page?
  • Did you know they state exactly what they could use help with?
  • Did you know that they cite external references on their pages?
  • It doesn't get much easier than that, with people telling you exactly what they want. Create the external resource, fix up the page, and then cite yourself - or have a friend involved to make it seem less suspicious or less self promotional. :)
  • How many other sites need that type of help? What search queries could be used to help find them?
  • Did you know that Wikipedia profile pages and talk pages get indexed (and old talks get archived and indexed)?
Published: March 20, 2006 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


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