Eeekkk, I Started a Blog about Blogging

Blog Goodies...a blog about blogging.

I was posting too much blog stuff here and started to felt like it was drowning out the other stuff, so it now has it's own channel.

My first semi original useful post on my blog about blogging is about socially conscious automated blog content generation

Published: October 10, 2005 by Aaron Wall in blogs


October 10, 2005 - 8:05pm

I think there is green-field opportunity going begging: a blog about blogs that are about blogging ;)

October 10, 2005 - 8:12pm

>I think there is green-field opportunity going begging: a blog about blogs that are about blogging ;)

Gotta wonder...would that be a meta blog or a meta meta blog?

October 19, 2005 - 8:21am

>I think there is green-field opportunity going begging: a blog about blogs that are about blogging ;)

Wread a blogs book!

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