Marketing is a Scam Part 38 - Renewing Wedding Vows

Looking through keyword research databases it is funny to see how much more volume there is for wedding vows than there are for people renewing their weddings.

People sell weddings as being the perfect day, even though most of them end in divorce.

Normally I wouldn't look at that sort of data, but an old client wants me to rewrite their meta tags. A total waste of time, but if it makes them happy, oh well...Meta tags? I do.


On another funny note, I have a strange desire to put gay wedding vows next to Christian wedding vows in their meta keywords tags...but I resisted.

Published: July 2, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


July 2, 2005 - 6:22pm

I did some work for a company who was big in the bridal registry area. We had to redo the entire section removing all of the words "bride" and "groom" and replacing them with "registrant" and "co-registrant". They were getting a large influx of same-sex couples who were registering and took offense at the terms "bride" and "groom".

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