Shawn Hogan Interviewed

A while ago I said that my ebook could be improved by interviewing a good number of industry experts to help build a more broad / diversified voice.

My goal is to interview about a dozen people who are doing well or I think really know their stuff. Recently via email I interviewed Shawn Hogan from Digital Point. He claims not to be an SEO, but his site gets far more traffic than most SEO related websites.

The biggest things that stood out to me from his interview:

  • he created things that he himself wanted / found useful

  • he threw it out there to collect feedback & added features people wanted
  • he loves to automate as much as possible
Published: June 30, 2005 by Aaron Wall in interviews


March 28, 2007 - 10:24pm

Great interview. He is a very cool guy.

September 4, 2011 - 7:04pm

The guy may not claim that he is not an SEO guru but he knows SEO for sure. Great content and relevant links did it for him.

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