Review of Lucky or Smart by Bo Peabody

Bo Peabody is the guy who created Tripod, who only accidentally had their everpopular site builder added to that site because his workers created something other than what he wanted. Lucky or Smart is a super quick book (58 pages) which explains some of the tips which helped Bo and Tripod along.

A few tips from his book:

  1. "Lucky things happen to entrepenuers who start fundamentally innovative, morally compelling, and philosophically possitive companies."

  2. entrepenuers usually are satisfied with well enough, whereas managers try to make things to perfect and thus move too slowly in starting new companies
  3. startups generally attract many sociopaths
  4. no is the most common word, but is an open door
  5. being gracious is key
  6. always spin your company / story / self to sell #1
  7. press is sensationalistic. never believe in it.
  8. news is past tense. doing is more important than reading the news.
  9. know that you do not always know the answers and when to say you don't know

Lucky or Smart: Secrets to an Entrepeneurial Life is a book that is quick to read, and reads in a conversational tone, which will make it easy to read in a single sitting.

Published: May 16, 2005 by Aaron Wall in book reviews


T. Marie
November 20, 2005 - 8:08pm

Entertaining and insightful. Bo know writing.

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