SEO Audio

Jim Boykin busts on the audioblog scene with the exclusive WeBuildPages theme song. hehehe

If he posts often I am sure he will end up having one of the best SEO blogs.

Bonus audio: I chatted with John Jantsch (long download time!!!) for about an hour a week or two ago. I usually get bored listening to anything that is over 3 minutes long, though I did find it interesting to hear how my voice changes over time (I have never done much public speaking and I think there were over 100 people listening - eek).

When I was 16 I remember someone told me I had a great radio voice, though listening now I am not hearing it. John however does, and was a great host. Thank for having me on John.

Also John is going to interview Andrew Goodman on Wednesday for some PPC chat at 1PM Eastern.

Published: April 12, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


April 12, 2005 - 8:28am

That mp3 was hilarious!


April 12, 2005 - 8:08pm

Clearly a grammy contender.

April 12, 2005 - 8:50pm

Just listened to the interview of you chatting w/ John Jantsch - great job. Nice intro-type convo. You do have a nice calming voice - good for radio I think. Good job!

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