The Death of Keyword Density Tools

Keyword Density Analysis:
is complete rubbish - according to Dr Garcia.

this overall ratio [keyword density] tells us nothing about:

  1. the relative distance between keywords in documents (proximity)

  2. where in a document the terms occur (distribution)
  3. the co-citation frequency between terms (co-occurrence)
  4. the main theme, topic, and sub-topics (on-topic issues) of the documents

Thus, KD is divorced from content quality, semantics and relevancy.

Published: March 30, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tips


March 30, 2005 - 6:42pm

I agree with Dr Garcia keyword density in and of itself has little relevance though I have to feel that the number of times a word is used in normal circumstances suggests that it is part of the conversation.
Open to spam etc. yes - part of what is being discussed yes also.

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