MSN Search out of Beta?, AOL Search Revival, SEO Automation

MSN Search Out of Beta:
Some people are seeing it flip back and forth, but I have been seeing the Beta results at the main site.

AOL to Join the Fray:
John Battelle writes about how AOL is building bolt on search products. Were the walls up too long? Is it too little to late?

How Much Can You Automate:
Jason Duke starts off what will probably amount to a fairly interesting automation thread at ThreadWatch.

Published: January 20, 2005 by Aaron Wall in msn AOL


January 21, 2005 - 12:56am

Yeah I first noticed the results out of Beta and into the main MSN search this AM - around 8AM or so... Posted about it here - . Had been seeing evidence of a small-scale switchover for a couple of days beforehand...

January 21, 2005 - 5:44am

I've been monitoring the MSN results several times today, and I've always gotten the beta results in the main site...

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