
Compete takes pricing to a different level but has some unique features as well. They have a few different pricing levels but to get all the features you need to dial it up at $499 per month. Although, some of their lower price points may provide good value depending on what you might use them for.

Compete Site Profiles

Here is how compete gets their data.

Here is a screen shot of their site profile overlay

Compete Site Profile

It's kind of like a semi-analytics program view of things which includes:

  • Unique Visitors
  • Page Views
  • Average Stay
  • Demographic Info
  • Link through's to Referral and Search Analytics (discussed further down)

Data is available in 7 day, 30 day, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, and 2 year increments.

The audience profile tab is similar to quantcast and is only available to the verified site owner (unless the site has made it's info public) and the sub-domain tab shows sub-domains associated with the main domain.

Enterprise users, where there is no standard pricing listed...also get access to category profiles and behavioral categories as shown below:

Compete Category Profiles

You also get the option to compare up to 5 sites at once in their site profile section

Compare 5 Sites

Those are the options in the profiles section. These statistics are far beyond what most traditional spy tools offer and can be very useful when comparing large sites as small sites do not fare very well with these types of data sets (this is not specific to compete, it's pretty much industry wide).

Analytics Tools

Compete's second tool set is the Analytics Tools set. Here you can search through Search Analytics (keywords) and Referral Analytics (sites referring traffic to the domain) as well as a variety of Ranked Lists.

Referral Analytics

This is pretty sweet as you can see what search engines the site's SEO campaign is doing well in, as well as possible advertising opportunities for your site.

It also will show you Destination sites (where users go after landing on the site you are reviewing.)

Compete referral analytics

In addition to messing around with some of the filters you can take a peek at historical data (trends, seasonal, etc) as noted here.

Ranked Lists

Compete offers ranked lists which you can filter in a few easy steps

Ranked Lists

Compete lets you look at ranked lists via 3 steps (one from each)

  • Step 1 - unique visitors, visits, page views, time spent, monthly attention
  • Step 2 - site ranking, ranking + unique visitors, ranking + all metrics
  • Step 3 - top 200, 1,000, 15,000, 100,000, 500,000 domains

Search Analytics

Compete's Search Analytics show keywords referring traffic to a site (or two) with some pretty neat metrics:

  • Highly Engaging Keywords - Keywords that make up 40% of the total time index and have a referral share greater than 0.01%
  • High Traffic Keywords - Keywords that make up the top 40% of the search referral share
  • Paid Keywords
  • Natural Keywords
  • Engaging Long Tail Keywords - Keywords making up the bottom 60% of search referral share, with a total time index of > .10
  • Enthusiast Keywords - Keywords that make up the top 40% of Average Time Index and a Search Referral Share greater than 0.01
  • Long Tail Keywords
  • Total Time Index - scale of 100 with 100 being the term where the searcher came from...that made up the highest total time spent on the site for ALL visits.
  • Average Time Index - scale of 100 with 100 being the term which resulted in the most average time per visit spent on the site.

You can also compare 2 sites like so:

compete compare search analytics

In Closing

The high price point of Compete might scare some users away, but consider that their data is not just relying on scraped Google/Yahoo/Bing results then extrapolated by some internal metrics. Compete is probably more useful to those who "compete" in really competitive markets with some sites as competition, although it can be useful to folks who may be involved in less competitive SERPS with smaller sites as competitors because they can use this data to investigate larger sites in their market, which may not be competitors but could yield helpful industry data.

Published: March 20, 2010 by Eric Covino in marketing


August 24, 2010 - 7:15pm that their data on my site is completely wrong. My site had about 10 000 unique visitors in July, and they see..... 149 (one hundred and fourty nine). It's not a tiny mistake, they're completely off.
And while my traffic actually went up by 20-30%, they see it dropping by 92%. If that's the data my competition gets then good for them:))


August 24, 2010 - 7:54pm

Yup...sometimes they can be off by magnitudes...they are mostly good at finding some of the more popular keywords on larger sites & helping you uncover some broad themes you may have missed, though some of that can be done pretty well at a lower price-point/cost using a tool like SEM Rush.

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