7 Days to SEO Success

  1. It All Started With a Keyword - learn why keywords are so important
  2. Keyword Research Strategies - tips and ideas for how to find the right keywords
  3. Using PPC Ads to Test The Value of Keywords - learn how to test your keyword ideas
  4. On Page SEO - learn how to optimize your web pages
  5. Google's Rise: A Link is Worth 1,000 Words - learn why link building is so important
  6. Getting Started With Link Building - learn how to build links to your site
  7. Creating Linkworthy Content - learn how to fully leverage your content to build links to your website
  8. Putting it All Together - a visual representation of how search works
  9. Success - what separates online successes from failures?
  10. Your Suite of SEO Tools - includes download instructions for your SEO tools
  11. Easy money? - the myth of easy money & those who sell the story
  12. Filtering - the importance of filter to help you build your business
  13. Is PageRank Important? - an example of how SEO information tends to vary in quality, with some cool algorithmic information from top Google search engineers

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Your top competitors have been investing into their marketing strategy for years.

Now you can know exactly where they rank, pick off their best keywords, and track new opportunities as they emerge.

Explore the ranking profile of your competitors in Google and Bing today using SEMrush.

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  • Comprehensive competitive data: research performance across organic search, AdWords, Bing ads, video, display ads, and more.
  • Compare Across Channels: use someone's AdWords strategy to drive your SEO growth, or use their SEO strategy to invest in paid search.
  • Global footprint: Tracks Google results for 120+ million keywords in many languages across 28 markets
  • Historical data: since 2009, before Panda and Penguin existed, so you can look for historical penalties and other potential ranking issues.
  • Risk-free: Free trial & low price.
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