Specific "How-To" SEO Guides
Are you sick of attention hungry blog posts and 15 minute conference session sales pitches that offer lots of fluff but don't put the SEO process in context? Want a complete cross referenced guide on how to do online marketing without being upsold a bunch of unneeded junk or reading hollow hype about some crazy new tool that will only get your website banned by Google? Want more than news?
Seo Book is different. We focus our training program on how to grow your presence. Our tagline Learn. Rank. Dominate. matches our approach to teaching SEO. We start with fundamental building blocks like keyword research, how to optimize your pages, how to build quality links, and how to rank. After you get the basics down you can dive deeper in any area and find tips that simply are not available elsewhere. Having plowed through volumes of other materials, email newsletters, internet sites, etc., I have come to the following conclusion: Most internet "guru's" are offering nothing more than over-hyped repackaged nonsense. Your materials are very different in that they articulate quite clearly and succinctly the "how to's" of e-business. So thanks much. - Dennis Our members have a wide range of experience to help you build your online business. We come from many different backgrounds - programmers, website designers, journalists, public relations specialists, bloggers, large ad agencies, in house marketing teams, and the guys and girls sitting at home in their pajamas dominating search results across the globe.
Market Any Type of Website!My wife and I sold our popular ebook to over 13,000 customers, publish dozens of websites, and have spent over 25,000 hours studying search engine marketing. Couple that experience with our consultant roles for small businesses and Fortune 500 firms, and we have seen just about everything imaginable. Plus our exclusive member forums allow you to tap the experience of hundreds of cutting edge SEO professionals. Our revenues come from selling physical products, selling virtual products, direct ad sales, AdSense, and a wide variety of affiliate programs. We publish blogs, 5 page websites, and websites with thousands of pages. No matter what type of website you run, we can help you market it and make your business more profitable. Here are Free Sample Articles! Works on New or Old WebsitesOur techniques have increased the traffic to some Fortune 500 websites by 50%+ within 6 months. And they work for new websites as well I have been following your teaching and articles for a week, and the traffic to my store has been increased threefold. The inclusion in yahoo directory alone created so much traffic to my store. Thank you so much. If anyone who wants to learn about SEO, I will definitely recommend your site. - Sung Shin |
Like College, but Affordable"I joined SEOBook well over a year ago but had to cancel my membership due to going freelance for awhile and Ireland's economy taking a bit of a hammering. Despite only being a full member for a few months, I learned enough that I was able to generate huge success for my main client. I believe this site has probably done as much for my career as studying law for four years but without the mountain of student debt afterwards." - Andrew |
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Better Than Hiring a SEO Company
"I wanted to learn, so I could see what they were doing, having spent over a grand!! I can now see they have really done very little.
In a couple weeks with your training program I'm actually starting to see results, and Ive not even started the link building side. It makes me wonder what on Earth my SEO company have been doing for the last 6months!!! I'm going to go it alone and just use the seobook.
So thanks for producing such a great site to help people like me : ) "
- Michelle