Becoming More Bloglike...

A few of my friends offered me some solid hate over my annoying advert post, so I changed the layout of SEO's homepage. The new home page places 3 posts above the ebook advert. Also if you have already seen a post on your computer the post title will be in a big fat black, which makes it really easy to see if there are any new posts at a glance.

The first 3 posts are only teaser intro posts, which allows readers to select things that are interesting to them without having to scroll past long posts they are not interested in.

The idea of the update was to be more reasonable and bloglike for regular readers, so they did not have to see my advert so often. I always thought that if people liked the site they might subscribe to the RSS feed, but many people still like to go back to read the site in its regular format.

Ideally I would / could take the ad entirely off the home page, but moving it off to the site or removing it entirely would probably cut my income from this site at least 20% to 30%. I am still trying to think of a work around for allowing visitors to turn the home page ad off. I also have an ad free version of the homepage at if you prefer to go that route.

Matt Cutts Announces Death of Cheesy Link Exchange Networks

I updated my SEO Book PDF today, noting among other things that Matt Cutts sorta hinted that an abundance of low link quality links could cause decreased importance in crawl priority.
Matt then went ahead and posted on his blog that some sites are completely removed from Google's index due to heavy reciprocal linkage.

The sites that fit 'no pages in Bigdaddy' criteria were sites where our algorithms had very low trust in the inlinks or the outlinks of that site. Examples that might cause that include excessive reciprocal links, linking to spammy neighborhoods on the web, or link buying/selling. The Bigdaddy update is independent of our supplemental results, so when Bigdaddy didn't select pages from a site, that would expose more supplemental results for a site.

I think that is probably the post that killed cheesy link exchange networks.

For those who recently said I was full of shit on my position on link exchange networks I am glad that Matt took the time to validate my position. :)

Can other people harm your site? Absolutely. The scalability of the web, and differences between living wages around the world created significant value in funneling around hollow PageRank to sell to naive webmasters which own sites which lack the qualities necessary to be citation worthy.

Knowing that having a certain percentage of shady links will kill your ability to rank in Google adds an additional opportunity cost to building shoddy links which. Things that were once "cheap" or "free" suddenly became expensive, and quality votes gained a bunch more value in the process as well.

This announcement of Matt's in combination with the search results reflecting this activity might be the single biggest thing Google has done in a while to improve the quality of information production across the web.

Fake it till you make it trading to the top still may work well enough in Yahoo! and MSN, but it is not a viable Google solution. If Google could plug some of their other holes they would be much harder to manipulate than most webmasters would like.

SEO Tips to Live By

Where is SEO headed?

Bob Massa on personalized search:

I'm also going to suggest that the NEW SEO,(assuming of course there was any such thing as SEO in the first place),has little to do with building ANY site to measure up to any yardstick that bears a mark for "best" and instead has more to do with identifying and immersing oneself into communities, to a lesser or greater degree, that have some connection with the individuals that make up the community than in striving for that subjective, if not entirely elusive "best" website.

I believe, as I have for a long time now, that technology as it relates to an advertising delivery system,(commonly mistaken for a search engine), has been pursuing the old cliche' that birds of a feather flock together and I also personally believe they are closer to right with that philosophy than with counting the number of links. It would appear that cataloging where birds flock is a much more difficult algorithm than counting links and the number of times and the proximity to the top of a page the keywords are found.

Seth Godin Interview

I recently interviewed Seth Godin. Seth is a well known marketing guru who's blog and books have helped me become a more holistic marketer. I read everything he writes. He also did a video interview on AuctionBytes recently.

Here is the interview:

In Purple Cow (one of my favorite books) you stress the importance of being remarkable. How does that relate to linking or internet marketing? Can a company succeed on the web without being remarkable? What should I do if my business or field generally is not remarkable?

By remarkable, I mean only, "worth making a remark about". So, if you want your idea to spread online, you only have three choices:

a. buy a lot of ads.

b. do really good SEO so that people who have already decided to search for what you have, find you

c. have the community that knows about you tell their friends, their blog readers, etc.

C, naturally, is a neat way to get to B. That's part of the genius of Google... that being remarkable is the easiest way to improve you Google ranking.

If what you sell is boring, it's probably because your organization WANTS it to be. Which is fine, but then you shouldn't expect fast growth or high Google ranking most of the time. They can make coffee and charity and political candidates interesting. Only by treating what you do as a commodity do you make it a commodity.

In All Marketers are Liars you stress the importance of telling authentic stories. What are the easiest ways to judge how authentic a story is? How can you tell if outsiders perceive the story the same way as you do?

Authentic means that it's real, it's true, it holds up to scrutiny.

It means you don't have to check a script before you make a decision. Nice people do nice things, so if your story is "we're nice", it's a good idea to hire nice people!

And yes, of course, people are going to misunderstand your story. Happens all the time. But if you tell it long enough and consistently enough and in all the right places, sooner or later, your authentic story will sink in.

When I tell people to be remarkable I often link at Purple Cow. When I tell people to sell a story that helps build their brand I often link at All Marketers are Liars. Like your books, many of your blog posts also seem like they are very good at sticking to a single topic, and are very easy to understand. How do you know when something is a blog post, an ebook, or a physical book? What do you think about when writing, or what things do you think about that help keep your narratives and blog posts so well focused and easy to understand?

This is a great question. It deserves a great answer. I don't have one. For me, alas, it's intuitive. I worry that if I studied it, it would disappear.

When should a new author consider getting a book physically published?

A published book tells a story before it's even opened. A published book is about credibility and portability and substance. So, if you need those things--if it will help your idea, or your career, or help you to reach people in a different way, then yes, do it. But be prepared for it to take a year or more, and to not make you any money at all. (Not the book part, anyway).

I believe that in most cases, for most people, it's not necessary.

I also believe that in most cases, for most authors, a "real" publisher is not worth the hassle. It's very easy to 'self publish' a book that looks and feels just like a traditional one, and to sell it on Amazon just like a traditional one.

I think you were a book publisher before you became a well known author. What sparked you to change course?

Actually, I was a successful book packager and an occasional and failed book publisher.

Publishing is truly difficult. It's about taking financial risks in a fundamentally broken business. Packaging, on the other hand, is a fantastic gig and I commend it to anyone who is creative and sleepless.

Some of your blog posts have been fairly critical of the SEO industry. I tend to think of SEO as being as much about viral marketing and creating and spreading good ideas as it is about gaming engines. What causes you to believe in and understand viral marketing so well without having much faith in SEO?

We have a semantic difference here. What you describe is totally in line with my thinking. I have never criticized that. My criticism has been reserved for two sides of one coin:

a. lazy companies that think they can buy web traffic by tricking search engines into sending them more traffic than they "deserve" by modifying sentences or code of their site without changing anything else, and

b. companies that will take money from these sites in order to do some mysterious thing for them.

Basically, I'm pushing people to dig deep, to work hard, to make stuff worth linking to.

SEO, as an industry, seems to have a bit of a black eye. I think part of that comes from many people not learning about SEO until a scammer posing as an SEO contacts them. I also think many people who sell high end consulting services make more by claiming that others are unethical, etc. Is there an easy way to fix the industry reputation problem? Or is it just something that is part of the game?

I agree with you 100%. I think the good guys should change the name of what they do. Traffic Leverage or Engines of Revenue.

As much as SEO is about gaming engines, for most companies it is more about ensuring the right contents are indexed and the wrong ones are not. How can the image of SEO be shifted from blog comment spammers, guestbook spammers and the like to people who help make content accessible?

The challenge here is the game itself. As long as we define the game as doing something to a site that makes it worse for a human and better for a computer, it's always going to be dicey. I visited a site today that rents vacation homes. It was superclear from reading it that they had rewritten their site to be engine friendly. I have no idea if that part was successful, but I'm certain that it wasn't working on the humans.

What is your favorite marketing related book that you are 99%+ certain I have never read?

The Republic of Tea, now out of print, but findable.

What is the best marketed candy bar in the world?

This is hard because if you mean "more than 20 years old" then it's got to be Hershey, because they had a remarkable product decades ago, they went to TV early and often at just the right time and they have great distribution today.

But of course, it's not the best marketed TODAY. If they keep up what they're doing, it'll just slide away.

So, what's the best marketed bar today? Well, if I describe "best" as fast-growing without a lot of investment (read: profitable) it might be Scharffen Berger. It might be Vosges, even though I don't know how to pronounce it.

What type of people should have a blog?

People who

a. have an idea they want to spread

b. have an idea worth spreading

c. are willing to tell the truth


d. are willing to do in consistently, over time.

What type of people should not have a blog?

People who need to be in control over the flow of ideas, who are impatient and not willing to stick with it, and who can't tell a story. Those and the ones that try to sell us a line of bs.

What is Squidoo? How does it differ from other content management or information retrieval systems, like blogs or search engines, for example?

Squidoo is a user-generated card catalog, a bunch of signposts in close proximity to each other, a way to find a few handpicked matches, not a million. Squidoo for the lensmaster is a place to point to your blog or your company or your organization. It's a place to assemble RSS feeds and links and stuff to buy. It's a cheap and fast way to increase links to sites that ought to get them.

For a surfer, it's more direct, more trusted and easier than a search engine in some ways. It's a place to start, a place to leave, and easy directory.

And for me, it's a way to raise a lot (I hope) of money for charity.

What are 3 things I should do differently on to make it a better website?

It's a great website. Everyone should read your book. I did. I'm glad I did. I'm jealous of your site.

Wow! thanks for that Seth. What are the biggest errors you tend to run into with most ecommerce websites?

They're selfish. They don't reflect the user experience. They're too slow. They're no fun. They don't get permission to followup. They're still no fun.

How does online marketing differ from offline marketing?

How much time do you have?

Offline, you get one conversation with a homogeneous and anonymous world.

Online, you get thousands of conversations with people you can learn about.

Search engines teach publishers to blend contextual ads in content to gain higher clickthrough rates. Do you eventually see people trusting link citations less, and perhaps growing to ignore them like banner ads? In margin based industries how does one remain profitable without blending when the blend can increase income per pageview by 300%?

Do you mean how will media companies make more money by integrating the ads? I think they shouldn't. The yellow pages and google adwords are both the greatest ad mediums ever because every person using them KNOWS that they are ads. So advertisers get productive traffic. You can goose income for a while, but soon, advertisers will be able to tell the difference.

Earlier you hinted that publishing might be a flawed business model. If publishers are losing out to independant types how do they stay relevant if they typically are not allowed to be as biased or opinionated, and do not integrate ads as heavily as some independant publishers?

Book publishing is in trouble for a different reason (actually, more than one).

The guaranteed return policy at bookstores means that most, almost all, books lose money the glut (175,000 titles a year) of new titles makes it the noisiest market in the world and the big authors get huge advances, sucking much of the profit out.

There are doubtless very profitable niches, but the mainstream guys have troubles...

What's so good about Pop Tarts?

I haven't had one in forever, but I remember them being gooey, crisp, sweet, crunchy, soft, hot and proustian, all at once.

And then once, I ate six and had to stop, forever.

If I wanted to learn more about Seth Godin where do I go?

Topic Sensitive TrustRank

I believe I found the paper on Topic Sensitive TrustRank [PDF] from Bill.

The thesis of the paper is that TrustRank is fundamentally flawed by being biased toward topical communities that are over represented in the seed set of trusted sites. Topics that are overrepresented in seed sets are often commercial in nature and also focused heavily upon by search spammers. Thus overweighting those seeds may also overweight many spammy topics and spammy pages.

By using a directory such as DMOZ or the Yahoo! Directory to offer seed sites and using those directory categories to categorize topic sensitive TrustRank scores the belief is that overall relevancy can be improved, while shifting the focus away from overrepresented topics that occur in a smaller seed set.

Since using DMOZ or the Yahoo! Directory as a seed set would vastly increase the seed set size it would be impractical to manually review all seeds, so you take the top half of trusted domains (as determined by topical TrustRank) from each topic to use as seeds. Weight the seed voting power by its PageRank and let this topic sensitive TrustRank happily propagate through the web.

Rabid Loyalty

I think one of the best parts of the SEO industry is the amount of questioning and curriosity that exists in the market. It really makes you see a wide array of the web as you search around because there is information in so many formats. You also start to see people attach to ideas that are 100% true while also seeing ideas spread that are 100% false.

What the false ideas spreading really show are how people become rabidly loyal, beyond question, toward certain people or ideas. If your website or product fill a niche where there is lots of discussion or it is easy for people to become rabidly loyal then it is going to be far easier to go from 0 to successful than if there is little discussion about your field. Does your marketing message or your field contain anything that makes it easy for people to be rabidly loyal?

Things people are rabidly loyal about include peanut butter and Firefox.

Things people are not rabidly loyal about include fruit cake and Flock.

Yahoo! Answers Integrated into Yahoo! SERPs

It might be a good idea to check out Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! just integrated them into their SERPs.

You can see the integration on [best dog for apartment] and on the page footer of [Harley Davidson]

The Errors of Conventional Wisdom

A friend of mine and I recently chatted about a few examples of conventional wisdom being wrong. If you find new markets or marketing methods left untapped by people chasing saturated markets using techniques created by misguided group think you are in for making a boatload of cash. If you want to.

For a long time I had a few client sites and this one, but I felt I was perhaps starting to grow a bit inauthentic in my advice, relying too heavily on my brand, what friends told me, and what I read in forums without doing enough testing across a wide array of sites.

I recently bought a few more sites that I can use to test things on. I also partnered up as co-owner on a few sites. Fascinating what you can learn by doing things like tweaking internal link profiles and being aggressive on sites you can afford to lose, and seeing how quickly you can get to profitability in many different markets.

I am doing another major rewrite of my book. Hoping to send out an update notification sometime tomorrow or Monday. Sorry if I have been slow to replying to emails...trying to get the rewrite done.

Dan Thies Video on Links Again...

A while ago I posted about a web based Dan Thies video on links.

Dan recently released another free link video. Well worth a listen.

Terry Semel Talks Shop

1 hour video with Terry Semel on the future of the web and media.

Via Peter.
